Co-Parenting & High School Homecoming
Tips to help co-parents communicate during homecoming week.

For many teens, homecoming is an important part of the school year. There is a lot of excitement surrounding homecoming week activities, the football game, and of course the dance. If you have joint custody of your teen, it’s beneficial for you and your co-parent to discuss homecoming so you can plan ahead of time.
This helps avoid potential conflict with your co-parent during this special time for your child
If your teen is taking part in homecoming festivities, there is a lot to plan. You and your co-parent can use this list of talking points to get on the same page:
- Ground rules. Whether your child is only at one home or both homes during homecoming week, consistent guidelines should be set. Both parents should work to come to an agreement on what the teen is allowed to do, and what they’re not allowed to do. If any rules are going to change for your teen during homecoming week, such as curfews or transportation allowances, they should be discussed.
- Shared expenses. Co-parents should plan for homecoming related expenses. Many teens take part in themed dress up days and activities throughout homecoming week, as well as the game and the dance. Your teen may ask for money to buy homecoming outfits, formal ware, tickets, food, and transportation. You and your co-parent should talk about how much money your teen is allowed to spend, and who will contribute what. If your child is responsible for certain expenses, this should also be outlined.
- Safety. During a week as busy as homecoming, co-parents should take extra time to communicate with their teen. Knowing where your child will be and when is important, especially in joint custody situations. You and your co-parent should both talk to your teen about their homecoming plans so that their location is known at all times. Make sure your teen is aware that they need to communicate if plans change.
- Co-parent participation. Homecoming only comes around once a year, and many parents want to find a way to get involved in this special time with their teen. Maybe this means giving your child a ride to the game or taking pictures of their homecoming group before the dance. If your co-parenting relationship allows, try making a plan so you can share in these experiences or split them equally. If you discuss boundaries ahead of time, both parents may be able to take part. If the relationship does not allow for joint participation, co-parents should consider sharing photos or videos so they can both feel involved.

If you don’t normally communicate directly with your co-parent, consider using a service like TalkingParents
Homecoming week can be a lot to juggle. TalkingParents offers several tools for you and your co-parent to easily share information and stay organized. Discuss homecoming week and share homecoming photos through our Easy & Secure Messaging. Take care of homecoming expenses through our Accountable Payments feature. TalkingParents also offers a Shared Calendar so you and your co-parent can stay on top of your teen’s homecoming schedule at all times.