TalkingParents. A communication platform for co-parents. Open navigation
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A safe space for private notes Personal Journal

Make notes and keep track of interactions without sharing it with your co-parent. Anything you want to stay private can be documented here.

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Notate things that happen outside TalkingParents

Keep notes about interactions that you want recorded. Whether it's in-person discussions with your co-parent or child behavior observances, journal entries are private and can include up to five attachments.

Tips and best practices

Note any unexpected or important interactions

If there's an important interaction or message you want to reference later, write it down. While TalkingParents keeps a permanent record of any time an event was edited or deleted, it's easy to forget details that could be important later.

Draft messages to your co-parent

Not sure what you want to say to your co-parent? You can use the Personal Journal to craft messages that might take some more attention before you send them.

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"It has been a lifesaver for me! It allows for easy access and good evidence with the time stamps." — Anonymous (SurveyMonkey)
"Answer to my prayers! It's AMAZING, it's the solution I so badly needed, it's affordable & so easy to use. THANK YOU." — Momma Bear of Twins (Apple App Store)
"I enjoy the fact that no messages can be deleted and lawyer can see them too." — Rickey James (Google Play Store)

Personal Journal Common questions

Can I upload documents to a journal entry?

Yes. Up to five attachments can be added to each journal entry.

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Can my co-parent see my journal entries?

No, everything entered into your Personal Journal is private and not viewable by your co-parent.

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