Get ready for the new and improved TalkingParents!
Starting September 9th, 2024, you'll notice major upgrades to your TalkingParents account that'll make co-parenting easier and more efficient. Please enjoy a sneak peek of the improvements before they go live…
The native experience
TalkingParents is going native. A native application is a software program that is developed for use on a specific platform or device. Native apps are developed to work with the device's operating system (OS) in ways that allow them to perform faster and with more flexibility than alternative application types. Going native means that you will not only experience a far superior look and feel to the TalkingParents app, but it will also operate much more seamlessly with your device, providing optimized performance.
Feature enhancements
You can expect updates to nearly all features, including notable improvements to core tools like:
Enhanced search and filtering options make it easier than ever to find what you're looking for, keeping you organized and efficient in your discussions.
Attachment Library is being incorporated into Messaging and key benefits like thumbnails and file previewing are now available, making collaboration seamless.
New card templates help you document important information surrounding your child more intuitively, including medical details, clothing sizes, emergency contacts, and more.
A dashboard of all your Info Library tabs makes organizing and sharing information between homes easier than ever.
Web app updates
We've made major enhancements to the web app that you're sure to love. Our team has worked hard to create a sleek, modern design that's both intuitive and easy to navigate. You will also have access to Accountable Calling and Vault File Storage through the web app.
These changes are being made as a result of user feedback, and we will continue to solicit your input after enhancements roll out on September 9, 2024. In the meantime, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our team!